Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brussels Course: Adding Buisness Value Increasing ROI in Testing

Last Week I was at SWIFT, giving a course on Adding Business Value Increasing ROI in Testing. It was held in La-Hulpe area in Brussels, Belgium. I did this course with my German partner D&H.

The main course objective is to show and discuss how to optimize 3 major areas: the testing processes, the risk handling (risk based testing) and the effectiveness and efficiency of us managing our team of professionals.

We have discussed this and a lot of other good topics of discussion came like: how TPI(r) relates to Agile projects? Will some of the measurements and metrics work in an Agile world? etc'. In short, the idea behind improvement is not specific for a V model or Waterfall model, but has concepts that fit all models. But, nevertheless, one needs to adjust the tools to the right situation (as testing is of course context dependent).

We had 3 groups discussing: interfaces, Back Office and Network.

Also discussed dashboards and how they play a unique role in today's world both to find trends and identify risks (which can lead to improvement of our processes) and as management has a focus on testing and risks (see pic).

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